Spiritual Development Webinars
by Rev. Marsha Walters, Ph.D.
Awakening to Planetary Ascension
4-hour Workshop
Sponsored by Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship
“I Am Awake” is the foremost mantra of the Buddha. We must ask ourselves: Am I awake? Am I wide awake? How do I achieve a new level of awareness? How do I achieve illumination?
In this workshop, we will explore how to find the answer to these questions within ourselves. We can learn to become fully present, awake, and aware, so that we may consciously engage with the intense cosmic energies of the planetary Ascension process.
Together we will experience powerful consciousness-enhancing techniques to reach the fully awakened state. We will learn how to enhance the energetic flow through our bodies and connect the microcosm within to the macrocosm beyond. The secret to accessing universal intelligence lies in fully opening our hearts, activating the third eye, and connecting the flow of light to the Source.
Originally Livestreamed on Thursday, September 3, 2020​
​This Webinar is now available on YouTube here.
Intuition Upgrade
Hosted by Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship
Livestreamed on Thursday, September 3, 2020
In this talk, you will learn how to “upgrade” your intuition so you can receive better guidance and healing. Marsha Walters, Ph.D., an engineering physicist, ordained minister, and spiritual healer, will teach a number of out-of-the norm tools and techniques to help us advance our intuition by tapping into universal intelligence. The goal is to increase our perception beyond our five senses, and to begin to distinguish between divine guidance and what we may think is just our imagination. Listen to what Marsha has to say, so you can learn to hear what the Universe is trying to communicate to you and how to follow the guidance of Source.
​This Webinar is now available on YouTube here.
Introduction to Grigori Grabovoi and His Healing Methods
Grigori Grabovoi is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and in 2003 was given the title "The Best Healer of the 3rd Millennium” in Russia. This workshop is a brief introduction to the man, his teachings, and healing methods. These powerful tools are used to focus one's intent for personal and planetary healing. Originally Livestreamed on June 11, 2020 ​
As of June 4, 2020, Dr. Walters has been granted the right and privilege to conduct webinars and consultations based on the work of Grigori Grabovoi and to use the trademarks Grigori Grabovoi® and Grabovoi ®.
​This Webinar is now available on YouTube here.
Learn more about Grigori Grabovoi's Healing Frequencies.
Science and Spirituality:
Healing and the Power of Imagination
We can develop our God-given power of Imagination to manifest personal and planetary healing. Learn the power of visualizing with focused intention, working in harmony with divine energy to align with perfect health. We will explore ancient methods taught by the Masters, as well as the modern technologies developed by Grigori Grabovoi. Originally Livestreamed on April 26, 2020 ​
​This Webinar is now available on YouTube here.
Addressing Coronavirus & Fear:
Attuning to Healing Frequencies
Everything vibrates at a specific frequency, including you and the coronavirus. When disharmony occurs in your body or consciousness, aligning with the Creator’s norm brings healing. Learn how to raise your own frequency to restore balance, ease, and wholeness. Together we use healing frequencies in a meditative state to heal the world of the coronavirus. All who participate will multiply the effect of our focused intention to eradicate this virus and the fear surrounding it. Originally Livestreamed on March 15, 2020​​
This Webinar is now available on YouTube here.
Interested in the Solfeggio Frequency Tuning Forks used in the Webinar? Go to the SomaEnergetics website to get your own and/or schedule a distance healing session with me here.
Learn more about Grigori Grabovoi's Healing Frequencies.
Suggested Love Offering $25
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Feel free to participate whether or not you can pay.